Eight Performance Cars Crash In Freeway Pileup

Estimated read time 2 min read

Ah summer, the time of the year when car meets, cruises, and other events are in high supply. It’s great cruising with your buddies in their performance rides to these gatherings, that is unless you all crash into each other. That’s apparently what happened with an eight-car pileup on a Georgia freeway.

This is why you shouldn’t weave through traffic.

The aftermath of the accident was caught on film by someone passing by. They claim the drivers were all racing each other, probably trying to prove which ride is best. Ego trips like that often end in disaster.

In the mix are multiple Mustangs, a couple of Challengers, a MKV Supra, an Infiniti Q60, and a BMW 3 Series. All of them are smashed up to varying degrees. We’d be willing to bet most if not all will be totaled out by insurance.

One commentor on Instagram where the video was shared claims they were right behind the cars when they all crashed. That person said he and these other people were headed to the Caffeine and Octane event in Kennesaw, Georgia. Instead of arriving and having fun, these guys had to watch their rides hauled away on a wrecker and are now dealing with the insurance claims process.

But someone else claims the drivers weren’t racing, saying instead one of the Mustangs swerved in front of a car, causing a chain reaction.

Which story is correct? Or is there yet another version that’s more accurate? We have no idea since we’re just seeing the aftermath.

What we do know is public roads aren’t a place for anyone to race around and show off. We know it’s tempting when you have a genuinely powerful, fast ride but the price you can pay for that fleeting moment of fun makes it not worthwhile.

Now check out the video (warning: language).

Images via gafollwersofficial/Instagram

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Steven Symes https://writerstevensymes.com/

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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