Albuquerque Police Officer In Uniform Busted For DUI

Estimated read time 2 min read

An Albuquerque police officer in full uniform and driving his patrol car was pulled over and arrested by New Mexico State Police for allegedly driving under the influence. While we know cops aren’t perfect, the fact one would allegedly drive drunk is unbelievable, let alone that it would happen in uniform behind the wheel of a police car.

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The incident in question took place in early June but only recently came to light through local media reports. It started with a New Mexico State Police sergeant clocking the APD cruiser traveling on I-25 at over 100 mph.

Sometimes cops speed to get to calls, but what really got the sergeant’s attention was that the APD unit was swerving off the road repeatedly. That’s’ when the sergeant initiated an unusual traffic stop. We don’t see many cops pulling over other cops.

Behind the wheel of the patrol car was APD Officer Jordan Hernandez, reports KRQE. After the NMSP sergeant explained why he pulled the officer over, Hernandez offered many excuses about why he wasn’t staying on the road.

First, he said his patrol vehicle had a low tire, which apparently means you can’t keep it going straight. We’ve never experienced that.

Afterwards, the officer said the real reason for not driving within his lane was that his ignition key was attached to a lanyard on his belt, so it was apparently pulling the steering to one side. Again, that sounds really weird since we’ve never seen a key that goes into the steering wheel itself, just the steering column.

When the sergeant didn’t buy that flimsy excuse, Officer Hernandez then said he was “trying to log onto all my stuff” referring to his onboard computer.

Based on a field sobriety test, the sergeant made an arrest. But Officer Hernandez refused to take a breathalyzer test. For now, he’s on administrative leave.

Image via KOAT/YouTube

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Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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