Mass Shootout Erupts At Mexican Car Rally

At least ten were killed.

On the afternoon of May 20, a car rally held in San Vicente, Ensenada, Mexico erupted into a huge gunfight that left at least 10 people dead and several were wounded. According to Voz, initial reports indicated that unarmed civilians had been targeted in the attack, but that was later dismissed as authorities confirmed it was a confrontation between rival organized crime organizations.

Watch police go bowling with a Chevy Cruze here.

The scene of the violence, a car rally named El Cachanillazo, involves enthusiasts descending on San Vicente once a year with their side-by-sides. San Vicente is a town on the southern end of the Baja California peninsula. If it hadn’t been for the eruption of violence, the rally looked like plenty of fun.

There have been many shocking acts of violence in Mexico lately, with the cartels blamed for most if not all of them. Perhaps most shocking were the deadly gun and machete attacks on two separate tourists in the state of Oaxaca, a place most consider to be one of the safest areas in Mexico.

Mexican authorities say the shootout began when a group exited a late model grey truck  of unspecified make and model, immediately opening fire on several parked vehicles and other attendees at the rally. Video posted to Twitter of the shooting in progress features a number of rounds fired rapidly as confused bystanders either stand around stunned or run for cover.

Per Mexican news group El Universal, a special multi-level investigation has been launched into the incident. Mayor Armando Ayala Robles called for all government agencies to work tirelessly in hunting down and catching those who were responsible for the attack. Surely the suspects won’t go quietly, so another firefight is likely.

Watch the videos of the attack and aftermath for yourself (warning: graphic).

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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