Suspects Try Using Uber As A Getaway Car

We see a lot of weird car crime stories, but this one from St. George, Utah is one of the funniest we’ve seen in a while. Some suspects involved in a domestic/drug dispute at a motel room on Thanksgiving evening called an Uber when police responded and started surveilling their room. Why they thought that was a good getaway car is beyond us but then again the criminal mind can be quite odd.

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Trouble started when the person staying in the motel room over the suspects’ heard arguing, a woman in distress, and later saw one of the suspects brandishing a gun, reports St George News. In other words it was like some families’ regular Thanksgiving get togethers.

Police responded after the witness called 911 and started surveilling the room. They determined a Dodge Charger with Nevada plates belonged to one of the suspects. With their ride marked and probably blocked in, the suspects got the brilliant idea to hail an Uber driver and have a stranger drive them to safety.

The only problem was police were also watching the motel room door. Probably realizing that but thinking they were smarter, the suspects “sprinted” from the room toward the Uber. Police commanded the three suspects to stop and two complied.

Probably realizing the Uber driver wouldn’t run from the cops, something we would’ve thought was a flaw in the plan from the get-go, the third suspect kept running. After searching the area, police found him hiding in a residential side yard.

That suspect complained of chest pains, perhaps having gotten too much exercise from actually running and so was taken to the hospital to get checked out. He told police he was at the hotel room to “try and convince” the other two against selling drugs. What a great guy.

Police didn’t buy his story, maybe in part because he reportedly has quite the criminal history. Maybe he got the Uber getaway car idea from one of the guys he met in jail during his last stay?

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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