Report: Milwaukee Hotel Parking Garage Is A Car Theft Hunting Ground

People in Milwaukee are noticing that a certain hotel’s parking garage has become a commonplace for car thefts. We’ve seen similar situations in different parts of the country, likely because criminals have found how to exploit security loopholes for specific locations.

Watch a suspect try to ram a state trooper during a chase.

The area of concern is the parking garage for Potawatomi Casino Hotel. Fox 6 reports that in just three weeks, almost a dozen cars were swiped there. People told the local news station they believe the same thieves just keep going back to steal vehicles.

It’s not surprising that criminals would strike where people are relaxing while on vacation. After all, most people let their guard down when they’re traveling, especially if they’re somewhere perceived to be safe, like a hotel with security.

Also, tourists tend to bring along expensive electronics and other valuables. One man told Fox 6 he lost his headphones and a $700 camera he for some reason left inside the rental car parked in the garage.

Unsurprisingly, police say most of the rides swiped from the hotel parking structure were Kias or Hyundais. Milwaukee is supposed to be the birthplace of the Kia Boyz movement which has helped spread through social media how certain Kias and Hyundais can be stolen using a screwdriver and a USB charging cable. Thefts of those two brands in the city has been a problem for years.

While there is a security update available for the vulnerable models, which weren’t sold with an engine immobilizer, it’s possible many people haven’t taken them time to have it installed. That could include rental agencies, shockingly.

We would never leave valuables in a car for any period of time, especially at a place like a hotel. Thieves love hitting parking structures where they know people leave their vehicle unattended for hours or even days at a time, giving them an uninterrupted to break in and get it started.

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.