Man Seemed Shocked Police Chased Him Across State Lines

This ain’t The Dukes of Hazzard!

One of our favorite things to do back in the day was to watch an episode of The Dukes of Hazzard. At the time we didn’t know our viewership was helping to make those Dodge Chargers far rarer. Instead, we were just having fun. Apparently, some people thought the show was a bit of a documentary or at least a how-to guide on getting away from the law as the Duke boys ditched Boss Hogg at the county line over and over again.

Watch teenagers laugh after crashing a car into a storefront.

At least, we think that might be why this guy tried outrunning Arkansas State Police to the Oklahoma state line like somehow once he got over that he was on home base and couldn’t be tagged. If someone’s told you that’s how things work in these modern times of ours, we’re here to tell you they don’t know what they’re talking about.

While it’s not always clear-cut, typically neighboring states have an understanding that they can chase suspects across the state line an apprehend them. Call it a common courtesy, but they of course need to let the local law enforcement agencies they’re in the area and why. But that doesn’t mean if you don’t want to get a speeding ticket and you’re near another state, you can just haul across that line and you’re off the hook.

This guy blasted past an ASP trooper at 117 mph, so he was definitely going to get a big, fat ticket. We just naturally assumed when he didn’t pull over that the guy had warrants, was driving a stolen vehicle, or had illegal stuff in his car. Boy were we wrong.

After he crossed the state line, the guy started slowing down. Perhaps he realized ASP absolutely would cross into Oklahoma and arrest him. However, as he was getting cuffed he told the trooper he was speeding because he thought he was having a heart attack. We’re sure cops have heard this before, but what do you all think of that?

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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