Tracy Police Department in Northern California had its officers on the hunt for some car break-in and theft suspects who had apparently been prowling around the city. But when one of the officers caught up to the suspects, the hunter became the hunted.

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According to a public statement, the incident in question happened on April 15 as call after call came into the department. However, police were chasing smoke and shadows most of the day. The big clue they had was that the suspects were driving a newer green Dodge Charger.

Just after 4 pm an officer spotted a Mopar matching the vehicle description and it was parked unoccupied at a Motel 6. The officer did surveillance while waiting for backup when the two suspects walked out and got into the Dodge.

That’s when the officer made a move, attempting to block the Charger’s exit from the parking lot. Undeterred, the suspect driver backed up, then rammed the marked patrol car to then make an escape.

Someone who’s willing to attack a cop like that is definitely dangerous not only to police but the community at large. Thankfully, backup arrived in that moment and the Charger was pinned by officers like how you see in the photo.

Considering modern Dodge Chargers are lovingly referred to as hippos because they’re so heavy, plus models higher up in the food chain have plenty of power, this kind of force was necessary. We’ve seen suspects in Chargers just push Ford Explorer Pursuits aside like they’re nothing.

With the suspects in custody, police searched the Dodge and the motel room those two were inside. There they found a gun with the serial number filed off, stolen mail/packages, community mailbox keys, identity theft materials, electronics used for stealing cars, and other stolen items. It sounds like the two suspects had been quite busy.

Image via Tracy Police Department/Facebook

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.