One of the most dangerous calls a cop can respond to is domestic violence. Emotions run hot in those situations, so they can escalate quickly to a deadly level. This incident involving a Florida man ramming a deputy’s cruiser with his car perfectly illustrates just how out of hand domestic violence calls can be.

Seattle Police allegedly just watch abuser flee with victim in his car.

The suspect in this case wouldn’t leave the house when the sheriff’s deputy showed up and asked him to come talk to him outside. Instead, Mr. Tough Guy punched a window a few times, clearly showing he wasn’t in a good state of mind.

Things really get out of hand in the bodycam footage when the guy emerges from the house finally and gets in his car. People think they’re impervious in vehicles and to an extent they’re not wrong. After all, your vehicle can be a downright deadly weapon when used incorrectly.

This is why police can and often will use deadly force if you try hitting them with your car. Try hitting your ex or someone else you don’t like with your vehicle and you’re attempting murder. It’s not a funny thing to do flippantly.

As the guy backs down the driveway, the deputy doesn’t try to stop him from fleeing the scene. Other deputies are obviously on their way and they can stop him if he does take off. But the already irate and clearly stupid suspect decides he’s going to ram the deputy’s cruiser a few times, we guess to disable it so he can’t be chased?

None of this makes sense and that’s why domestic calls are so wildly unpredictable. They don’t follow the laws of logic, reason, or even common sense. Somehow, the guy doesn’t flee but instead follows commands to lay on the ground as backup arrives. This situation could have been so much worse.

Don’t use your car like it’s a weapon.

Watch the video for yourself (warning: language and violence).

Image via PoliceActivity/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.