Maybe don’t run from the cops?
After watching this Maserati driver run from the police in Florida, we’re wondering if not everyone got the memo that trying such a thing could very much include trashing your ride. There’s a reason most people who run from cops are driving stolen vehicles and the saying “drive it like you stole it exists.” After all, you either have to flog your ride like a donkey to smoke pursuing officers or they’ll waste your vehicle.
Watch another Maserati driver try to run from police here.
Unfortunately, for this Maserati driver it’s the latter. From the Florida Highway Patrol report, we learn the driver was cited for driving under the influence, not possession of a stolen vehicle. Perhaps that’s why once the pursuing officer started doing some serious damage to the backend of the Italian stallion, the suspect decided it was time to wave the white flag.

This chase uncovers yet another sad facts: Maseratis are grossly overrated. Yes, there are fast Maseratis and this guy was allegedly drunk, so he’s probably not driving this thing the best he could. But still, the vehicles the police are using aren’t anything special in the least. Even though this chase reached speeds of over 140 mph the guy just can’t shake the cop.
Back in the day, Maseratis were something truly special. Back when it and Ferrari were under the Fiat umbrella, Maserati was very much the red-headed stepchild. Ferrari was lavished with resources and praise, rightfully so. Alfa Romeo was the unrecognized illegitimate child.
Sadly, many modern Maseratis have crappier build quality than the current-gen Toyota Camry. One would expect considering how much such luxury vehicles cost that they would offer more. Oh, and they break a lot. So this guy rightfully was concerned and just gave up once he realized the cop was doing enough damage to warrant taking out a second or third mortgage for the future repairs.
Check it out for yourself.
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