Amateurs really shouldn’t be hot dogging around in a Porsche 991 GT2 RS, a performance car which can really get away from those who are unskilled. Exactly why is clear after you watch the included video of one being crashed in Melbourne, Australia recently.
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The footage, which has spread like wildfire online, shows the impatient driver speed around the camera car, a commercial truck, on the right and then try to pass another one before realizing there’s no more road.
Having a fast car with razor-sharp handling that also likes to slide can get you in trouble in a hurry if you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s a reason why most professional racecar drivers are pretty calm when they’re on public roads. After all, conditions change rapidly and they understand what that can mean for a driver.
Instead, this guy seems to have the attitude that larger, slower vehicles are just in his way and he has a duty to speed around them at any given time. Of course it’s a poor decision that gets him into plenty of trouble and quickly.
Going off the road and into some grass wouldn’t be good for a GT2 RS, but it’s the pylons in the grass that make for a brutal collision. We wonder what was going through the mind of the Porsche driver in that very moment.
Right after the Porsche wrecks out, a police car with its lights going pulls up to the scene of the crash. It’s not clear if the police were chasing the sports car or if an officer just happened to see the crash and rushed over to assist. Either are viable options considering we have zero context for the video.
Ultimately, this video teaches two important lessons. First, know you car and how to drive it, especially if you think you’re going to hot dog around on public roads. Second, treat commercial trucks with respect and caution instead of speeding around them.
Image via Dashcam Australia/Facebook
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