Many car thieves are about as dumb as they come, which is why they steal vehicles for a living. But every once in a while we see one that does something so stupid we have to stop and marvel at it. This situation with a car theft suspect who jumped off the Interstate 70 bridge in St. Charles, Missouri to plunge into the Missouri River while being pursued by police is just such a thing.
Man swerves to miss a deer and causes a much bigger accident.
We’ve seen car thieves jump off bridges in an attempt to escape police before and it’s always a ridiculous endeavor. It’s like these people have never understood the whole “go jump off a bridge” thing was a dark joke, not some serious life advice.
There were actually two guys in the stolen car, but one was smart enough to not jump into the river. KSKD News says one was found hiding on a girder under the bridge, a much smarter move than what his buddy did, falling a long way into the cold waters below.
But the suspect who was apprehended told authorities his buddy “fell” into the Missouri River. So maybe the guy wasn’t thinking that was a good escape plan but instead slipped and plunged below?
So far they haven’t found the second suspect. Either the guy didn’t make it or he was able to swim to freedom. Sadly, we think the first scenario is the most likely.
With how often car thieves get a slap on the wrist, we’re not sure why so many go to extreme lengths to not get caught. After all, they’re likely back on the street before the ink on the police report dries, if not before the report is even filled out.
Image via KSDK News/YouTube
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