Cops and Good Samaritans helped save his life.
While we have a low opinion of the decision people make to run from police, that doesn’t mean we think those people should die. With that in mind, we’re glad this 19-year-old driver who fled from police, rolled his vehicle at well over 100 mph, and his head ejected out through the sunroof of the overturned vehicle, almost amputating his head, has lived to tell the tale. Hopefully this young man turns his life around as a result.
This is what a Tesla Cybertruck looks like after a rollover.
The situation unfolded when a Lawrenceville police sergeant clocked the car speeding on Highway 316 in Metro Atlanta on the night of September 13. Initially, the sergeant was going to chase the car down, but it speed away so quickly after he turned on his lights, the sergeant decided to terminate the pursuit and avoid an accident.
Sadly, the driver of the fleeing car kept pushing it to well over 100 mph. Then he tried doing a three-lane change at once, sending the vehicle careening as if flipped over and over. We’re guessing the driver wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, because in the middle of that violent wreck his head punched through the sunroof and was trapped underneath the car as it came to rest on the roof.
Thankfully, the sergeant and other officers arrived on scene. Together with some Good Samaritans, they lifted the car so the driver could be pulled to safety. As reported by Atlanta News First, that 19-year-old only had minutes to live, so he’s lucky to be alive.
In fact, more than one person interviewed by the local news said the teenager owes God for the miracle of saving his life. We hope he reflects on that and chooses to live a better life as a result, one that doesn’t include running from the police.
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