Guy Leaves His Camaro Running, Is Shocked Thieves Stole It

Image via WMC

We hate to say it, but thieves really do want your expensive muscle car, something a Camaro owner learned the hard way. The man reportedly left his vehicle running while he walked over to talk to his brother in his ride, then was shocked thieves jumped into the Chevy and took off in it.

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The crime in question happened outside a club in Memphis, Tennessee sometime before 2 am. As they say, not a lot of good things happen at that time, so if you ever shouldn’t leave your ride running without you in it, that would be the time to eschew such behavior.

Upon seeing two guys pull up in a Dodge Charger, then jump into his 2017 Camaro SS, the victim got in his brother’s 2016 Ford Mustang so they could chase the thieves down, reports WMC. We’re not sure what they thought they would do once they caught up to the Chevy, one of many flaws in the on-the-fly plan.

However, the thieves did have a plan: a gun. They started shooting at the pursuing pony car. Undeterred, the brothers kept chasing them.

That’s when the suspects wrecked out into the concrete median barrier on Interstate 40. With the Camaro disabled, an accomplice in the Dodge Charger stopped and picked up the two thieves, taking off from the crash scene.

Exactly the condition of the Chevy wasn’t clear in the report, so we don’t know if this turned out well for the victim or not. It does, however, mention a number of items kept in the Camaro were taken by the thieves, so they didn’t leave emptyhanded.

This serves as a perfect reminder to not leave your vehicle idling unattended. We know it might be inconvenient, but it’s better to stick with your ride.

Image via WMC

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.