Footage of a stolen Hummer H2 ramming police cars in Toronto, Ontario has shocked people. After all, most suspects just try to outrun the cops, but this person who was in what’s reportedly a stolen vehicle decided to fight them with it. We’ve seen this sort of tactic before, but never with a boxy Hummer H2.
A cop pulled over and ticketed his own twin brother.
For a bit, in cellphone footage of the incident, the guy in the Hummer looks to be somewhat successful. He’s able to push around the smaller and lighter Ford Explorers police are in with relative ease.
But you can also see easily a dozen if not more police on the scene, with likely others off camera, so cops had numbers on their sides. Plus, if you’ve ever been to a demolition derby, you know a car can only take so much abuse before a ruptured radiator or something else will take it down.
Eventually, police were able to pin the Hummer H2 against a building, taking the 32-year-old male suspect into custody. He’s now facing several criminal charges like theft of a motor vehicle, assaulting a peace officer and failure to stop for police for all his unsuccessful effort at getting away.
It was on the night of January 16 when police officers tried to perform a traffic stop on the Hummer after a plate reader alerted them that it was reported stolen, reports CBC. Instead of pulling over, the suspect tried getting away. But an H2 isn’t exactly a sports car, so we guess the guy thought using the brawn of the boxy SUV favored by well-kept soccer moms was a good idea.
We know Hummers have their cult following because some people still think they’re cool. But we also know they’re not really anything like the Humvee, an actual military vehicle that’s outdated by today’s standards but would likely have put up a better fight than the H2 did.
Image via CTVNews/YouTube
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