Thieves Steal Corvette, Camaro From Gated Community

A lot of people think living in a gated community will keep their cars safe, but that’s not always the case. The owners of a 2016 Chevy Corvette and Camaro learned this the hard way recently as both performance vehicles were swiped on the same night.

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The crime was committed at an apartment complex in Lee County, Florida on the night of December 27. Somehow, to your complete shock, the “gates” or two plastic arms which come down over the entrance and exit to the apartment’s parking lot didn’t keep the car thieves from coming inside, as shown by local station NBC2.

While we can mock the pathetic security setup, we’ve seen thieves hop full metal gates before. After all, once inside in some communities you don’t need to type a code to leave, just to get inside (that’s a security flaw for community managers to think about).

Also, we’ve seen some people get really lax in gated communities, even going so far as leaving their cars unlocked. That doesn’t appear to be true in this case, with evidence left behind that the thieves literally peeled the window off on the Corvette before likely hacking the ignition to get it started.

What’s really interesting about this case is the apartment complex has quite a few security cameras around the parking lot. However, since it was a holiday week, the staff wasn’t around to share that footage with the Corvette’s owner, who expressed his frustration at this fact.

With thieves especially concentrating on performance cars like this Corvette and Camaro, owners need to take extra steps to secure their ride. Depending solely on the factory anti-theft and tracking devices might not be enough, especially since a lot of thieves carry tools to specifically defeat those.  

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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