Dodge Charger Gives Arkansas State Police The Slip Repeatedly

Dodge Charger Gives Arkansas Police The Slip Repeatedly

Arkansas Sate Police seem to train their troopers quite well for high-speed pursuits. Over and over again, dashcam videos showcase excellent driving skills as they chase down suspects who are in much faster vehicles than their Dodge Chargers, making for truly entertaining and educational viewing. However, there’s one driver, also in a dark-colored Dodge Charger, who has given troopers the slip repeatedly several times this year.

Not locking your car in the wilderness can result in this.

We don’t know what kind of Dodge Charger this mystery driver uses, mostly because troopers haven’t been able to get close enough for us to see the details on the muscle car. It’s possible the guy has a 392, maybe a Scat Pack, or even a Hellcat or Redeye. Considering how effortlessly he’s pulled away from troopers on straightaways, we’d be surprised if he doesn’t. There’s also the strong possibility the Mopar has been modified.

What we do know is this guy can drive. In his first encounter caught on dashcam footage, he outdrives the trooper on some two-lane through streets, applying the superior speed of his Charger. However, in the second video we see him truly shine by losing a trooper in residential streets, winding his way through the labyrinth with ease. The guy was able to stick turns better, knew how to correctly accelerate out of turns, and never lost control of his ride, unlike his pursuer.

Less than two weeks later, on May 20, Arkansas State Trooper Alan Johnson had his shot at catching this elusive Dodge Charger after it blasted past him on the highway. The chase didn’t last long, the other driver using his superior speed and driving skills to transition from one highway to another must faster than the trooper, completely disappearing from sight.

On the same night, Trooper Jacob Byrd also chased after the notorious Ghost Charger, as some have taken to calling it. Stopped at a red light and waiting for an arrow to turn, he spotted the infamous Mopar going straight two lanes over and decided to try apprehending the suspect. However, the other driver didn’t let him get even close, opening up the throttle immediately and putting serious distance between him and the law while cutting his lights, making it harder to follow the dark muscle car.

Whoever the Ghost Charger driver was, he must’ve decided his luck was running a little thin after getting away from troopers four times, because he didn’t show up again until August 13. Trooper Spencer Morris spotted the muscle car blasting down a highway, gave chase, and like his colleagues, got smoked as the suspect blacked the Mopar out, likely disappearing somewhere across the Tennessee border in Memphis.

The most recent encounter with this driver, who sure seems to be taunting Arkansas State Police at this point, occurred on September 4. Trooper Quincy Harris tried giving chase, but the suspect spotted him trailing behind other cars and punched it, creating a big gap before the chase even truly started.

The frustration of troopers bested by this driver is evidenced in subtle details. At the end of the second pursuit video, the officer gets frustrated by the noises come out of his radio, exclaiming “shut the f*** up!” He was in no mood to play around.

At this point, it seems like it’s a matter of personal pride for Arkansas State Police to catch this Dodge Charger driver. Yes, they want to enforce the law, but they also need to prove they can’t be outdriven before copycats start challenging them left and right.

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

4 thoughts on “Dodge Charger Gives Arkansas State Police The Slip Repeatedly”
  1. Let him be if spotted and he’s not speeding etc at that point. Never safe to have multiple cars f
    Going high speed whether police ir not. Police are not immune to accidents.

  2. Fight fire with fire,hes go a supercharged car,then the Police need a supercharged car and a officer that can drive it.One hes spotted,put a air unit on him,and together run him down.

  3. Yes he did say that. I thought that part funny. But not too funny, because that driver of that charger could have cost an terrible accident. My question is to LRPD. Did they catch him?MyI cornered all the time when something like this. I have a daughter in college there. This is the reason I downloaded this news app. I worried about my daughter in college there.

  4. High speed is an adrenaline drug,if you read this get off the street and on a racetrack.Your’e confident in your ability but bragging rights will run out on you.Can you forgive yourself if you kill someone.

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