Crime, in particular car theft, in Los Angeles has official jumped the shark after a suspect stole a police car with an officer still inside. This is the kind of thing you would see in a movie or TV show as some comedic scene featuring a bumbling criminal, but now it’s just the way life is in the City of Angels.
150 MPH police chase ends with a big crash.
The crazy incident went down in the early morning hours of May 19 at 12th and Figueroa as a female officer who was assigned to security detail was approached by the subject, Lieutenant James Mylonakis of LAPD told KTLA 5.
We don’t know how, but the suspect was able to get inside that officer’s cruiser while she was inside it, but she was obviously not in the driver’s seat. As the suspect drove recklessly, the officer was ejected, so she wasn’t strapped in.
As the suspect continued driving recklessly in the police car, he hit two minivans. Then he turned and continued a few hundred feet before slamming into a pole, disabling the cruiser.
But the guy wasn’t done, running off on foot. Thankfully, police were in hot pursuit and chased him down quickly. Footage of the scene shows the man in handcuffs jumping up and down while being led to an undamaged cruiser.
We’ve wondered before and we will ask again why there isn’t an aftermarket device or solution which allows only officers or other first responders to put an idling emergency vehicle into gear and drive off with it?
There are so many stories about stolen police cars, ambulances, firetrucks, etc. lately it just seems like such a device is long overdue. With modern technology we imagine something like that would be simple to create and use.
People in the vans were injured, as was the police officer. Even though she was taken to the hospital, she’s expected to make a fully recovery.
Image via KTLA 5/YouTube
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