Nobody is above the law – that’s what we’re told constantly by police, judges, and others in the justice system. Well, one of many questions is who keeps all these people charged with enforcing the laws in check? What you’re about to see is video of a Seminole County Sherriff’s deputy pulling over an Orlando police officer for going almost twice the speed limit on a public road.
See the end result of a shootout between people in a Dodge Charger and Chrysler 300 on a Virginia freeway here.
If you or I were to do this, we’d get slapped with a hefty ticket and maybe be thrown in jail while our car is impounded. However, in this situation the officer who’s commanded to stop by the deputy decides to pull over, then speed off in his cruiser.

This is the kind of behavior we’d expect to see from a drug runner, car thief, or some other hardened criminal. And yet here we have an officer of the law acting the same way. We’d love to say we’re shocked, but not all cops are good guys. And we loathe law enforcement who act like they don’t have to answer to anyone.
Things get even more interesting when the officer decides to activate his emergency lights as if he’s the one taking action for some violation. Then he flips them off and turns onto another road, ignoring the deputy behind him.
When the officer finally stops, the deputy is rightfully pissed. Running is a surefire way of getting on a cop’s bad side, something a member of the Orlando police force should know firsthand. Then he does what all cops hate: he gets out of the car without permission, then proceeds to yell at the deputy.
After telling the deputy he’s going in to work, the officer refuses to hand over his driver’s license, gets in his car, and takes off. We’re pretty sure if a suspect did that to him he wouldn’t just shrug it off. So is he extra special and doesn’t have to follow the law?
We’ve seen tension between police departments and sheriffs before in multiple states across the country, so this is more like another incident in a long legacy. Still, we want to know what you think of the Orlando officer’s actions? Is he justified in speeding then acting the way he does when the deputy attempts to pull him over?
This is the big problem with law enforcement and white people. Don’t trust any of them. It’s cuz of cops like that is deputy did his duty and what happens. Who knows. I bet this guy still speeding down the streets with no lights and not a care in the world. I would love to know what the end result was
I misspoke. It’s not supposed to be white people. It’s supposed to be why people don’t trust them and never will as long as it’s sort of thing goes in