For years now, government regulators, politicians, pundits, and safety groups have been trying to convince the American public some sort of anti-speeding technology in cars would be a good thing. In the latest round of this push, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says it conducted a survey of drivers in the US, claiming 60% were okay with an anti-speeding device in their vehicle.
Watch a Ford Mustang chop down a tree.
That’s right, folks, the same organization which has helped make modern headlights blindingly bright in the name of safety wants you to believe if you’re not a fan of anti-speeding tech in your ride, you’re the weird one.
More specifically, the survey asked if drivers would “find it acceptable if their vehicle provided and audible and visual warning when they exceeded the posted speed limit.” We find this difficult to believe, considering how sick people are of their car constantly squawking at them about this or that.
It gets even better: IIHS says the survey revealed about half of drivers would be fine with technology which automatically stops them from speeding.
We have many issues with this sort of tech. For starters, when we’re using navigation we can’t count the number of times it displays a lower speed limit than what’s posted on a given stretch of road. So with these nanny devices running in your car, you could be prevented from going the speed limit or get chided with beeping or whatever. Sounds fun.
IIHS President David Harkey is really pumped about this obviously conclusive survey: “These findings are exciting because they suggest American drivers are willing to change how they drive to make our roads safer. The conventional wisdom has always been that speed-restricting technology would never fly in our car-centric culture.”
We’re not saying the survey is wrong and we’re not saying it’s right. We’re just saying the results are surprising and perhaps not actually representative of what the core of Americans want. After all, the super bright LED headlights sure seem popular with other drivers on public roads.
Image via Mercedes-Benz
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