While most people were climbing into bed after their Independence Day revelries, two women in Ocala, Florida were just getting started. According to police, the women decided to race each other on the street while their young children were in the vehicles at the time.
Mother of the year takes children on a 120 mph police chase.
Street racing is a dumb thing to do, but we know people do it anyway. But to race with your kids in the car just multiplies the stupidity and selfishness of the act by at least a few times. Sadly, this isn’t the first time we’ve covered people street racing with kids along for the ride.
Ocala Police say Jamirria Blunt and Kiara Johnson were in two sedans, a Cadillac and Toyota (sorry, no models mentioned) when they were clocked by an officer going 93 mph in a 45 mph zone.
That officer pulled over the Cadillac, which was driven by Blunt, age 22. A 15-year-old was in the front passenger seat. Even worse, as the Toyota pulled over the officer found 22-year-old Johnson driving with her 8-month-old child in a rear-facing car seat.
Why anyone, mother or father, would think it’s acceptable to engage in a street race with their baby riding in the car is beyond us. Actually, street racing when you have a responsibility to stay alive and show up at home safe for that child is unacceptable, let alone putting your offspring in the direct line of danger.
Both women faced immediate consequences. Police arrested them for child neglect and highway racing. They were booked into the Marion County Jail, but as you can see from their mugshots they seem to think the whole thing is a big joke.
Hopefully they’re not laughing as the justice system follows up with more consequences.
Image via Ocala Police Department/Facebook
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