A young mother is dead in a hit-and-run collision involving street racers in Atlanta. Now the family of that woman along with police are pleading with the public for information which will lead to the arrest of those responsible.
Car thief ditches his young son and woman to get away from police.
Thanks to traffic cameras, police know it was a black Ford Mustang (some reports say it was a Lexus) racing another car at about 100 mph which hit and killed 32-year-old Shantea Reeves as she was walking on the shoulder of I-20 early on the morning of August 4.
You can see in that traffic camera footage the Mustang drives on the shoulder to get around slower traffic as the driver tries getting ahead of the other car. That led to the fatal collision. Rather than do the right thing and stay, maybe even helping save the victim, the Ford driver just kept on going.
This happened at about 1:40 am just past Moreland Avenue. You can clearly see in the footage other people are on the interstate, so someone at least saw something and there might be dashcam footage of the incident.
One Good Samaritan did stop to help Reeves, but it was too late. Her mother said in a press conference her daughter had been hit multiple times by that point. We can understand her grief.
It’s not been stated why Reeves was walking on the shoulder of I-20 but it could have been that her car broke down. It’s certainly a dangerous thing, even without street racers, so we don’t recommend walking along any busy, high-speed road to be honest.
Still, that doesn’t justify the person who hit her just taking off. Hopefully they’re caught and face the full consequences of what they did.
Image via Fox 5 Atlanta/YouTube
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