Plenty of times we’ve seen suspects running from police or trying to break into/out of secure facilities ram fences. Usually, the fences give way to the much heavier cars, especially if they’re made of chain links, but a case out of Manatee County, Florida features a chain link fence acting more like a net, wrapping around and capturing a fleeing suspect’s vehicle.
During a road rage confrontation, a Florida man pulls out his gun.
We’re guessing the difference here had to do at least in part with the high speed the suspect, who was running from Manatee County Sheriff’s deputies, was going at impact. The result is bizarre but kind of cool, like something out of an old Looney Toons episode.
According to Fox 13, 24-year-old Dominic Garcia allegedly stole the Ford Expedition after committing battery on an elderly person. He was charged for those and failing to stop for law enforcement as well as driving without a valid license.
During the chase, Garcia reportedly was going 80 mph in a 15 mph zone as he veered over the median and off the road. That’s when he crashed through the tennis court’s fence, resulting in an outcome which had deputies laughing.
Not only was the front of the Ford SUV wrapped up tight in the chain links, so was the driver’s side, helping to trap Garcia from running away on foot. We don’t know if we’ll ever see anything like it again, but one never knows for sure.
So there you have it, driving through chain link fences could backfire big time as the barrier becomes a giant net. We’re guessing the high speed the Expedition was going helped the fencing bend and wrap around it, so apparently driving more slowly through fences is advisable.
Image via Fox 13
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