Genius Car Thieves Can’t Break Dealership Windows

Image via Clear-Armor/YouTube

Most times, the kids breaking into car dealerships in the middle of the night are about as unsophisticated as they come. They engage in the simplest method of getting into the showroom or service department possible: using a rock to break through a window. Yet so many dealerships have failed to stop this common point of attack, until now.

If only this dealership had the same stuff on its showroom windows.

The included video shows some would-be car thieves show up to a luxury dealership and getting stopped in their tracks by the protective film the owner had applied to the windows. We’ve seen products like this in action for at least a decade now, so this isn’t exactly new technology, and we’re shocked this hasn’t been done by other dealerships we’re aware of.

To the shock of nobody, the kids arrive in a Dodge Challenger, most certainly stolen, and they’re all wearing hoodies plus masks and gloves. One’s carrying a claw hammer, because they apparently don’t want to chance there being a suitable rock onsite, as they all line up at a door to get inside.

Taking swing after swing, the kid can’t break through the glass. He starts looking around like he’s expecting Candid Camera to pop out of the bushes and say he’s peen punked, then goes back to doing his best Paul Bunyon impersonation with that hammer.

Still, the glass won’t cave in so his little boyfriend kicks it like a donkey with his back turned to the glass door. Maybe he skipped leg day, because they still can’t get the glass to vie way even a little.

Our criminal genius is able to shatter the outer layer of glass and uses that to try prying the whole pane out with the hammer. But the highly sophisticated method he learned on the streets doesn’t work as the Dodge Viper on the other side remains completely untouched.

Frustrated, they go for a window instead but face the same problems. These kids aren’t very bright and don’t learn fast because they just keep trying the only thing they know even though it’s netting zero results.

Ultimately, they had to leave empty-handed. Every dealership should consider this or other, innovative security solutions. It’s time we stop just letting little punks break in and take whatever they want.

Image via Clear-Armor/YouTube

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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