Wait until he gets the bill for the wrecked police Tahoe!
There’s a strange psychology going on with people who run from police instead of pulling over once they’re caught speeding or doing something else. That’s the only way we can explain this completely nerdy-looking kid looking all pleased with himself after absolutely destroying a Lincoln MKZ during a chase in Arkansas.
Girl makes a pretty impressive run from the cops in a stolen Toyota Prius.
We join the pursuit via Arkansas State Police Trooper Terrell Pratt’s dashcam and he’s a little late to the party. When the Lincoln sedan blasts past him as he waits on the shoulder, we see the passenger-side of the rear is already coming apart.
When we say coming apart, we mean pieces of the car are flying off and hitting the trooper’s cruiser as he trails a police Tahoe that’s leading the chase. This footage really doesn’t speak well for Lincoln/Ford build quality, a point we’re sure the Blue Oval fans won’t love.

But the real action happens when the Tahoe plays ping pong with the Lincoln, pitting it into the center median barrier so hard it bounces off and hits the police vehicle pretty hard. This video also shows off the surprising stability of a Tahoe Pursuit.
Still, that Tahoe took a pretty good shot to the side so it could be totaled. If not, it at least needs some pretty expensive bodywork done, and possibly much more. Meanwhile, the Lincoln is definitely done for. Maybe the kid stole it, but from his appearance we’d say it’s more likely he stole it from grandma’s house and went for a ride.
None of this seems to have even phased the guy. Instead, he looks like he just racked up the high score on some arcade game. If we didn’t know better, as he sits in the back of a cruiser with his hands handcuffed behind him, he has a pretty smug look on his face, even a bit of a smirk. If we were in the same situation we would at the very least be realizing how incredibly screwed we were. Maybe that’s why we pull over for cops?
Images via LRHNCash/YouTube