Melbourne Road Rager Bites Man’s Finger

Image via Victoria Police/Facebook

A road rager in the east side of Melbourne, Australia reportedly bit another driver’s finger in yet another bizarre attack. We don’t know if it’s been the stress of the holidays or the fact it’s a hot summer Down Under, but something pushed this guy over the edge. Plus, the victim is the ripe age of 63, which makes the crime even more shocking.

Police confront a road rager who takes his aggression out on them.

The victim was driving along back on December 21 when another car started tailgating him. We’ve all been there and while that’s an annoying scenario, usually the tailgater moves on and does it to someone else because it’s nothing personal, even if it is dangerous.

But in this case, the road the victim was traveling on had a reduced speed limit thanks to an emergency situation and the other driver apparently felt that wasn’t reasonable. When the other driver got into the next lane and pulled up alongside the victim at a stop light, things got a little spicy.

This is why we don’t like pulling up window-to-window with another vehicle. But we understand road ragers love doing that sort of thing.

A verbal exchange between the two men, then they continued on. The aggressor swerved in front of the victim, slammed on his brakes, then approached the open driver’s window on the victim’s car. That would’ve been an excellent time to close it.

After pushing the victim, the road rager bit the 63-year-old man’s finger. Who even does that? What’s the point? It’s like something a little toddler who’s mad would do. Is this what’s happened to society? Is road rage not stupid enough that we now have to bite people who don’t drive the way we like?

Having bit the victim, the other man took off and police are now hunting for him. We still can’t believe this is a thing and we certainly hope it doesn’t become some crazy new trend.

Image via Victoria Police/Facebook

Source: News Wire

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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