Ford Mustang Driver Killed In Collison With School Bus

What a way to go.

A Ford Mustang driver is dead after he collided with a school bus traveling in the opposite direction. The accident happened on the night of August 26 at about 8:45 pm in southern Minnesota on I-90 near Albert Lea. Minnesota State Patrol is still investigating the crash.

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According to a local report from Fox 9, the school bus was transporting three girls volleyball teams from Waseca. They had finished competing in games and were headed back home as the bus traveled through a construction zone when the Mustang and bus collided.

It’s unknown what caused the fatal accident, but no volleyball players or anyone else on the bus was seriously injured. Severa players did suffer head injuries and sprained joints, but all were treated and immediately released from a hospital in Albert Lea.

This accident highlights the scary reality of driving anywhere near large vehicles like buses, heavy trucks, etc. not only in busy traffic but even on the open road. In a regular passenger car, including something larger like a Chevy Suburban, you’re at a significant weight and size disadvantage. This is why we always give large vehicles a wide berth, although it looks like it wasn’t possible in this situation.

Plenty of attention has been focused on the volleyball players and we get why, because they’re still kids. While some will hail the school bus as safe for keeping the teens from getting seriously injured, this collision yet again calls attention to why buses don’t have seatbelts. The debate on that has raged for decades, but one can’t help think what might have been the outcome had all the players been belted in at the time of the crash.

As for the Mustang driver, our hearts go out to the family of the deceased. Since we have absolutely no idea what happened in this crash, we can’t say anything about reckless/distracted driving, speeding, or anything that has contributed to other accidents. But we can say that everyone needs to drive aware and ready for anything.

Image via Fox 9

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.