Dodge Charger Slams Into Cop During Rainy Chase

Estimated read time 2 min read

After a Flock camera alerted police in Savannah, Georgia of a wanted vehicle in the area, local police tried pulling it over. But the suspects outmaneuvered and outran officers. And in Georgia when a chase gets dicey, Georgia State Patrol often comes to the rescue.

Watch a guy take his ladder through a car wash.

You’ll see in the pursuit footage from a trooper’s cruiser that this chase happens in the rain. That’s an important factor as you probably know since rain makes roads slick. When you’re running from the cops or pursuing a suspect in those conditions it’s necessary to adjust your driving style.

What’s interesting is the trooper early in the video has a chance to just end the chase but doesn’t. The suspects make a turn into a neighborhood and eventually end up in a cul-de-sac. The trooper tries blocking the suspects in, but he doesn’t make contact with the Charger.

Maybe that’s a GSP policy, and we honestly don’t know why this car is wanted, but it seems like pinning the Mopar muscle car right then would’ve prevented what happens next. Also, we’re benefitting from hindsight, so that might not be entirely fair.

Anyway, the suspects take off and the trooper gives chase again. The trooper does a good job of keeping up without being reckless. And the suspect driver shows he’s an amateur who doesn’t get how water works.

When the Charger takes an easy right turn, the suspect comes in too hot, overshoots, and ends up on the grass. He almost hits a building and a parked car in the process. That might have been a better end to this chase.

The guy slides off the road again, taking out a street sign. Not learning his lesson, he just keeps juicing it and he ends up on sidewalk. At what point does this guy realize he sucks at driving?

The answer is not until he hits a Savannah PD cruiser, then a house. Brilliant.

Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube

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Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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