Watch Police Rescue A Woman Trapped In Her Submerged Car

Image via Firstpost/YouTube

One of the scariest ways to go, in our opinion, is being trapped in your car as it fills up with water. That’s the situation a woman faced in West Orange, Texas back in late July after she suffered a seizure while driving. Frantic, her young son ran to a nearby police car, pleading for help.

Learn how to escape a sinking car.

The officer stays incredibly calm in his bodycam footage as he radios for backup while driving the panicking boy back to the pond where his mom is trapped. Getting out, he continues keeping his cool as he surveys the scene, the back end of a Dodge Charger sticking out of the water as the little boy screams for his mother.

We think in a situation like this most people would emotionally melt down. But this cop keeps his composure as a young woman emerges from the water beside the Mopar, realizing this isn’t the mother as he asks if someone is still inside.

Realizing the woman is in fact trapped, he descends into the pond but can’t open the Charger’s doors. He has to go back to this cruiser and retrieve a glass break while witnesses are coming apart emotionally. Still, the cop keeps his cool, although you can sense his growing urgency to get the woman out.

The glass break does the trick and they’re able to get the unconscious woman out of the water and onto dry land. Obviously, she’s still in need of medical attention, but she apparently pulled through. That wouldn’t have happened had it not been for her son running to find the police officer.

One big takeaway from this video is you should have a glass breaker in every vehicle. It’s a thing you hopefully never need, but when you do if you don’t have it then it’s too late. Thankfully police were able to rescue this woman because they were carrying one.

Image via Firstpost/YouTube

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.