Imagine going for a ride with one of your buddies only to learn once the police show up he’s driving you around in a stolen car. We see situations like this one in Los Angeles from time to time as passengers beg to be let out while the driver just wants to get away from the law.
Watch a stolen government tow truck cause chaos on the road.
This guy takes a bolder approach than most, opening the front passenger door while hanging his legs out. Perhaps he was gauging if he could jump clear of the vehicle at the speed it was rolling. But he was also taking a huge risk.
After all, his buddy could have hit something with the open door, causing the passenger serious leg injuries. Considering the guy seemed to care little enough about his fried to take him along on a police chase, we seriously doubt he wouldn’t do such a thing if he thought it were necessary to get away from the consequences of his actions.
Documented by Fox 11 Los Angeles, the aerial reporter covering the chase live said the whole thing started as a traffic stop. The driver actually pulled over and was compliant until he suddenly decided he didn’t want to go along with police orders.
It’s too bad the guy didn’t let his buddy jump out of the car before he just took off like that. As they say, there’s no honor among thieves or something like that, although we don’t know if the friend has any criminal intentions himself.
After all this, we bet the passenger is reconsidering their friendship. Considering how quickly car thieves often get a slap on the wrist and release by prosecutors in Los Angeles County, the driver is probably already back to stealing cars and taking his “friends” for rides.
Image via Fox 11 Los Angeles/YouTube
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