Believe it or not, back in the day, and we’re only talking a few years ago, police in cities like Minneapolis used to actually chase dangerous criminals. Now we know people are going to try saying that’s false, but we have here real dashcam footage of officers in Minneapolis chasing a shooting suspect and it’s surprisingly intense.
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The whole thing started with a beat cop on routine patrol seeing the suspect in a Honda Accord shoot up another vehicle. Allegedly, the suspect was trying to shoot the other person in the head. Usually, we think of Accord drivers as maybe a little boring with some leaning toward delusional as they claim to drive a modern “muscle car,” so this seems troubling.

Of course the shooting part is far more concerning, which explains why officers pull out all the stops to get this suspect. But the Accord driver is desperate to get away, driving on sidewalks, across lawns, and pretty much everywhere but the road at points.
What’s downright embarrassing is how the patrol cars struggle to keep up with an Accord. Despite what their owners might try arguing on forums and social media, even with the V6 an Accord is no performance vehicle. Police really should have at least some hardcore pursuit cars in their fleet and out on the streets at any given time for a scenario like this.
But the worst part of this whole situation is the detail that after the suspect put countless lives at risk during this chase, he was given probation by the judge. We’d love to act surprised by that but this kind of nonsense where prosecutors and judges treat criminals as victims of society has become predictable in certain areas.
As noted by MN Crime, which graciously shared this footage with us, even back then Minneapolis police were rarely allowed to chase suspects, especially with so much traffic. We think chasing down someone willing to shoot other drivers in the head is a good reason to allow for a pursuit, although we’re not sure it would be considered justified in a shocking number of police departments today.
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