Road Rage In Mall Parking Lot Turns Into Alleged Robbery

Image via Fox 11 Los Angeles/YouTube

With the holiday season in full swing, a lot of people have been on edge while out shopping. But a road rage incident in a mall parking lot over how one group parked their vehicle turned into a beating and robbery as several adults attacked a mother and her daughter.

A road sign in one city is being blamed for inducing road rage.

The incident was caught on cellphone video by a bystander who shared it with Fox 11 Los Angeles. The mother and daughter also spoke with the news station about the incident, the daughter showing some of her many bruises after the sudden attack.

It all started when the pair went Christmas shopping at a mall in Southern California. The parking lot was packed, but when they finally found a spot, the Lexus parked in the stall next to it had its door open, blocking them from pulling in.

That sort of thing happens, but after a moment people usually finish up and you can pull into the spot. But the mother said they waited and waited but the woman with the door open didn’t close it. The mom honked and the other woman slammed her door closed, so they pulled into the spot.

But when the pair got out of their vehicle, several adult women assaulted the daughter, beating her to the ground. In the altercation, one of the women stole the mom’s purse, which contained $3,000 in cash. All that over a door left open, blocking an open parking spot.

We’ve noticed many seem to take any use of a horn as a personal offense or a challenge. Maybe those people are looking for a fight or someone to take out their aggression about life’s stress. The sad reality is you need to exercise caution as a result, especially in certain areas.

Image via Fox 11 Los Angeles/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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