Even After A Hard PIT, Lovesick Altima Driver Keeps Fleeing Florida Trooper

Image via Scooper/YouTube

You know what they say, the true test of a relationship is how you handle fleeing from law enforcement in your Nissan Altima, getting a hard PIT maneuver, and spending time apart in jail. That’s what a Florida couple went through when they decided pulling over for a Florida Highway Patrol trooper was optional.

Watch a felony suspect in a Hyundai take PIT after PIT in a wild chase.

The woman, who was behind the wheel, has a lot of determination. At least she displayed that when pushing his little four-banger sedan in a futile attempt of fleeing from the FHP cruiser. You can see in the dashcam footage she never stood a chance.

Even after flipping a U-turn and going the opposite direction, the little Altima just couldn’t shake the cop. A rational person who might have had a temporary lapse in judgement would’ve just pulled over right then and surrendered to police.

But our Florida woman has love on her side and really wants to impress her man. Or they both don’t want to spend time behind bars. Maybe all that and more, it’s hard to tell in the weird aftermath. Any guy who affectionately calls his girlfriend “bro” has some issues, let alone who lets her drive during a police chase.

What man even does that?

Also, anyone who thinks their Nissan Altima is worthy of outrunning police needs their head checked. It’s a miracle the CVT didn’t just grenade itself during this chase, seeing as how they love doing that sort of thing.

Instead, the trooper has the privilege of pitting the Altima, which ping pongs between the two concrete barriers before running up onto the one in the median. Instead of immediately giving up, the driver signals she’s going to but just keeps on going.

It’s possible impairment was in play for this weird police chase, but the second PIT got the job done. It ended with the Altima smacking against both barriers hard, sparks literally flying, before the thing came to a rest in ruination.

At least the two lovebirds got a kiss in while handcuffed in the backseat of the cruiser.

Image via Scooper/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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