Darin Barton, celebrated as a “homeless hero” for his bravery during a catastrophic 2019 crash on Interstate 70, has encountered a new setback. After rebuilding his life, Barton’s recently acquired 1995 Honda Civic was stolen, leaving him without the transportation crucial for maintaining his progress.
Barton, once homeless, had saved lives in the fiery Lakewood crash, a memory that continues to haunt him. His journey since then has been arduous but fruitful; he found employment, secured housing, and saved enough to buy a car, symbolizing a significant milestone in his recovery and stability.
The theft occurred on Feb. 2 in a parking lot near 64th Avenue and Simms Street. The stolen vehicle was later discovered abandoned in Wheat Ridge, and was unfortunately impounded due to incomplete sale paperwork, imposing additional financial burdens on Barton.
Facing the theft’s aftermath, Barton remains determined to move forward, though the loss of his car presents a significant obstacle. A GoFundMe campaign has been setup to assist in covering the impound fees, enabling him to reclaim his vehicle and continue his journey towards stability.
Barton’s message to the thieves reflects his enduring spirit, hoping they recognize the impact of their actions and find the fulfillment they seek. This incident underscores the challenges faced by individuals striving to overcome adversity and the community’s role in supporting their journey.
Via Fox31