Normally we’d expect a police chase involving a Suzuki Hayabusa to last a few seconds before the rider and bike become a spec on the distant horizon. But this suspect who didn’t want to pull over for Georgia State Police either is new to riding or didn’t realize the full capability of the motorcycle. Either way, he paid dearly both for running and not running fast enough.

Learn about the motorcyclist rocketing to fame on YouTube here.

Somehow this chase becomes a cat and mouse game, probably because some people just shouldn’t ride crazy-fast sport bikes. It’s probably a good thing because this guy was trafficking drugs, doing a lot of harm to the community where he was going to take them.

The guy was going slow enough for police to surround his motorcycle on three sides. This was after he putted around for several minutes on the dashcam footage we see, not to mention before the trooper joined in the chase. How he didn’t just open up the throttle on that Hayabusa and just take off like a rocket is beyond us.

Instead, police did everything they could to slow him down but not PIT the bike at speed. In our opinion they were being incredibly careful when other people might’ve had the attitude that the suspect was playing with fire so he should get burned.

You can see the suspect struggle to keep the Suzuki riding straight before he tries going past a cruiser, only to back off and go back in the kill zone. Then he falls. We can’t see from the footage if someone hit him or he hit someone. But it sure sounds like someone ran the guy over.

Afterward, the video claims police found 829 grams of meth on the suspect along with a 9mm pistol, some heroin, and $1,610 in cash. That’s probably why he didn’t want to pull over and talk to the cops, so instead he got to taste the pavement.

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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