As the saying goes: mess with the bull and you get the horns. That’s also true of running from Arkansas State Police, which trains its troopers to PIT fleeing suspects and authorizes them to do so without asking for permission. This suspect fleeing from a trooper in the included dashcam footage found this out the hard way while going 125 mph.

Arkansas trooper teaches an EcoBoost Mustang driver an important life lesson.

After an initial chase hitting about 100 mph, the woman pulls over for the trooper but decides to get back inside her vehicle and takes off again. Who even does that?

Even though this chase reaches speeds of over 140 mph, the suspect isn’t behind the wheel of some high-powered American muscle car. Instead, she’s piloting a grocery getter crossover, the type of which you see cruising up and down the streets of every suburban area.

We live in wild times.

Predictably, the trooper PITs the VW grocery getter out at high speed, spinning it into the cables in the median. We wonder if at that point the female suspect realized she really messed up.

It’s always interesting to hear people after they get brutally pitted out either become super apologetic, try to fight cops, or spew a bunch of excuses. This suspect goes for the third option and comes up with the most ridiculous excuse we’ve heard in a long time.

Supposedly, she was going so fast and not stopping for the trooper because she was running out of gas. Either she knows nothing about physics, which is entirely possible, or she thinks the trooper is a complete idiot, which is also a possibility.

Which do you think it is? And do you think this lady learned her lesson or will she run from cops again in the future?

Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.