We’d love to say we’ve never seen someone livestream their police chase before, but that wouldn’t be the truth. Unfortunately, there are people who try monetizing their lawless behavior, hoping to gain that social media fame which will help them get a taste of the brass ring.
Watch a thief drive a BMW M6 straight through a showroom window.
Perhaps that’s why this suspect in Los Angeles livestreamed his fleeing police while a baby and its mother were in the car. He was one of three robbery suspects from an incident in Beverly Hills, carjacking the mother and child, so that’s why police were hot on his trail.
The guy drove over medians, charged down oncoming lanes of traffic, and had his share of close calls all while the woman screamed at him to pull over and let them out.
A real man wouldn’t put a mother and child at risk just because he’s scared the police will arrest him, but this guy did. He went even further than that.
When he eventually ended up at a dead end and had nowhere else to run, the coward got out of the Kia while holding the baby. He literally used a child as a human shield while police had their guns drawn. What an absolutely disgusting display.
Thankfully, police were able to arrest the suspect without incident and the baby appeared to be unharmed. It was afterward revealed the two-month-old child is his own. So he put his flesh and blood at risk to save himself, what a father.
In an ironic twist, the guy’s livestreaming stunt actually backfired if he was hoping it would get cops to dial things back. Instead, they were determined to stop the suspect because a child was at risk.
Image via ABC7/YouTube
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