The thieves hit 163 mph running from police before crashing spectacularly.
Thieves in Cleveland, Ohio recently showed up to a dealer car auction and made off with a 2016 Chevy Camaro and a 2020 Dodge Charger, leading police on a high-speed chase. Usually the drama at the car auctions where dealers go to find deals comes when the bidding gets a little chippy. This time it ended with a violent crash and some guys in handcuffs.
Watch police rescue a kidnapped woman after a high speed chase here.
According to, the heist went down on May 26 at about 8 am. As employees opened the gates to the vehicle storage yard in preparation for an auction, the two muscle cars took off through the opening. It’s almost like the thieves knew how things were done at the auction and had this daring escape planned out.
After calling police, law enforcement in the area was on the lookout, but nothing turned up until someone spotted the muscle cars about an hour and a half south near Uhrichsville. That’s when officers from several agencies started chasing the suspects.
The Dodge Charger sliced through a telephone pole at about 163 mph, proving that just because a car can go fast doesn’t mean you can handle it. The driver was injured but only received outpatient care at a hospital before being booked into the local jail.
As for the Camaro, police found that later near a Walmart in Coshocton County. The Chevy had been abandoned, the thief perhaps realizing he needed to ditch the car of he’d surely be caught.
Back in the day I had a teacher who used to constantly say if we were going to steal a car, go for a Ferrari, not a Pinto. At the time I thought it was a weird saying, but seeing how many thieves risk life and limb to rip off some janky Kia or Hyundai these days, it makes far more sense. These guys at least went pretty big, although I most definitely don’t condone their thievery at all.
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