Police hear all kinds of creative excuses about why people were speeding or otherwise violating the rules of the road. But by far the most ludicrous are the claims about why suspects flee from a traffic stop at high speeds. This Dodge Charger driver gives a member of Arkansas State Police one of the least believable reasons for running at 140 mph we’ve ever heard: he was scared.
Guy mouths off to a trooper, who just unloads on him.
That’s right, the guy was scared after getting pulled over, so he fled a lawful traffic stop, picking up four charges in the process. And he put his life and the lives of everyone else on the highway in danger. It doesn’t make any sense, but this is what the guy said in the heat of the moment.
The original reason for the traffic stop was a trooper observing him following a semi-truck too close. Maybe he would’ve gotten a warning, maybe a small ticket. You can see in the dashcam footage he knows something is coming as the trooper pulls behind him because he slows way down, exits the highway, and pulls over at a gas station.
But it’s like he has second thoughts and takes off as the trooper walks up. Or he wanted to do that old trick we see never work.
This guy really goes for it, getting back on the highway and pushing his Mopar to about 140 mph while hitting the shoulder to get around traffic that’s clogging up both lanes of travel. You either need to have ice in your veins or be a little crazy to do that, maybe both.
Finally, the trooper is able to position to PIT as the suspect slows down some. However, the suspect turns into his cruiser at the same time as the cruiser makes contact with his Charger, both vehicles sustaining enough damage to become disabled.
As he gets cuffed, the suspect pulls plenty of attitude, talking back and trying to act tough. Then he starts whining, claiming he ran because he was scared, right after pulling the big man routine.
Watch it for yourself.
Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube
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