Road Sign Being Blamed For Road Rage Incidents

Image via WPTV News/YouTube

A new road sign in Jupiter, Florida is being blamed for causing road rage incidents at an intersection. It’s a bizarre claim, because last we checked it wasn’t inanimate objects triggering verbal exchanges or violence on public streets. But people are still blaming the sign for altercations between drivers.

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As highlighted by local news station WPTV, the sign in question simply states, “No Turn On Red.” That same sign has been used at intersections across the country. But it seems since this particular one was recently installed, some people feel it should be ignored by others.

So many drivers are inherently impatient on the road. When someone does something they perceive as holding up their getting where they need to be, they get angry. Sometimes, these people decided to attack, either verbally or physically, we guess in their minds neutralizing a threat.

The intersection where the city of Jupiter installed the sign is at a railroad crossing. Those types of intersections can be incredibly dangerous, so the move was to keep drivers from stopping on the tracks, putting them in serious peril.

But people WPTV spoke with seem to believe the sign is an unnecessary annoyance since it wasn’t there before. There were others, however, who think the new sign is a good thing because the intersection has been the scene of many close calls.

We’ve been through many intersections which have these “No Turn On Red” signs and seen people blatantly disregard them. And we’ve seen drivers who follow the sign, enraging those behind them in traffic.

What we don’t understand is why some drivers feel it’s their right to angrily unload, whether through their horn, yelling, or worse, on other people who do things they don’t like. Do they seriously think they never engage in annoying or even dangerous behavior? After all, their very road rage falls into that category. The irony is incredible, or one might even say enraging.

What do you think of this sign being blamed for road rage?

Image via WPTV News/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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