At some point we would think people will come to understand running from law enforcement in states in Georgia almost guarantees a hard PIT maneuver at speed. Yet there seems to be no shortage of suspects who appear to believe they’ll get away, like these people in a Nissan Altima. They get one of the more brutal PITs we’ve seen recently.
This might be an even more brutal PIT done by a Georgia trooper last year.
The suspects in the black Nissan Altima allegedly shoplifted from a store and were spotted by Georgia State Patrol in Clayton County. As a trooper starts following, the suspect driver begins weaving through traffic, so these people obviously know they’ve been made.
There’s plenty of traffic for the suspects and trooper to weave through as the pursuit heats up. That also means even when the trooper can get in position, he can’t find a clear spot to do a PIT maneuver. After all, hitting innocent motorists isn’t a great option.
As the trooper gets a clear stretch of highway, the Altima gets wobbly and loose, foiling his PIT attempt. We’ve seen plenty of times when suspects do this sort of thing and they must think they’re so smart. But we don’t think it’s coincidence that when they do, the final PIT maneuver is especially hard and brutal, since a normal gentler one obviously won’t work.
As the chase progresses, the felony shoplifting suspects become increasingly aggressive, including running at least one car off the road, posing a danger for everyone else. It’s imperative the trooper puts an end to the chase before the Altima causes a serious crash.
That’s why we don’t feel bad about the hard PIT maneuver the trooper executes flawlessly. While he maintains complete control of his cruiser after spinning out the Altima, the suspect car hits one barrier and then another like it’s in a pinball machine, ending the chase once and for all.
If you think that’s awful, just remember how these fleeing suspects decided to run and put countless other people on the highway in danger. The trooper just put a stop to the recklessness.
Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube