While there’s no shortage of examples of bad cops or even just sloppy police work in the news, it’s always great to see a member of law enforcement go above and beyond to protect the public. In this example, we see an Arkansas trooper put his life on the line, hitting a suspect who had been fleeing at breakneck speeds head on. This maneuver was to protect others but easily could have been fatal for the trooper.

Wild Tennessee chase through backroads comes with an unexpected ending.

The sequences of events starts with the Arkansas Highway Police pulling over a suspect. The trooper stops behind the other cruiser and walks to the side of the suspect’s vehicle as backup. Suddenly the suspect pulls away, almost running the trooper over, and the chase is on.

Already, we have someone who’s tried harming a member of law enforcement, so this suspect has demonstrated he’s dangerous. That’s further punctuated by the guy pushing his Impala to well over 100 mph, putting everyone he blasts past in danger.

After the trooper and suspect clear traffic, the trooper wastes no time doing a PIT. This guy tries getting loose to foil it but the trooper is more skilled. But then the guy shows he still has plenty of moves spinning to recovery. We’re going to guess he’s done this before, maybe a lot.

Now the suspect is going the wrong way on the highway, presenting even more of a danger to innocent bystanders. After the trooper gets turned around on the right side of the road, he sees the janky Impala coming at him going the wrong way, causing the trooper to have to adjust again. Like we said, it seems like this suspect has a little experience running from the law.

The trooper blasts ahead, because getting out in front of such an ailing Impala presents zero challenge, then he sets up the head-on collision to bring the chase to a close before the suspect hits someone else head-on.

Even though the impact is brutal, it could’ve been so much worse. The Impala lost one of its front tires, plus from the general condition of the car we’re guessing it’s not running super great, so by that point he isn’t going 100+ mph. Still, this trooper laid it all on the line so some innocent family, guy going to work, etc. didn’t fall victim to the suspect’s recklessness.

Check out the video for yourself, it’s pretty amazing to see unfold.

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.