Absolute Miracle: Classic Volkswagen Microbus Survives Los Angeles Wildfires Devastation

Image via KMPH Fox26 News/YouTube

With the raging wildfires in Southern California, not only homes and businesses but also cars have been burning to the ground. That’s why the sight of a bright blue classic Volkswagen Microbus parked in the middle of a Malibu neighborhood that was completely destroyed has shocked and amazed so many, with some rightly calling it a miracle.

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The owner is obviously relieved his beloved VW is safe. Preston Martin couldn’t get the classic out of the area before the wind-driven flames swept through, so he figured the van he slept in while going to college was gone forever, reports KMPH.

Many others are sharing his glee after an Associated Press photographer took a photo of the Volkswagen Type 2 sitting among the charred remains of houses, its gleaming blue paint a stark contrast to the havoc surrounding it.

With the area still closed off to the public, there’s no retrieving the VW yet. Still, to know it’s not only whole but looks to be completely undamaged has got to be quite the relief. Untold numbers of other classic cars weren’t so lucky with entire collections obliterated in the blaze.

We’ve seen some go to extreme lengths to save their beloved cars. One owner of a rather pricey collection in Calabasas pulled all the vehicles into a McDonald’s parking lot temporarily. He obviously felt the vehicles, which includes a Mercedes 300SL Gullwing, were safer there than at their usual storage location.

But others simply threw a cover over their hobby cars or just left them where they’re usually parked, opting to take more reliable and modern rides as they fled from the devastating fires. Sadly, just like so many homes, quite a few of those vehicles didn’t make it and are a total loss. Even if insurance pays their market value, the memories can never be replaced.

Image via KMPH Fox26 News/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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