Ford Mustang Wrecks Trying To Beat Semi-Truck

Image via Zayafyre/Reddit

We have yet another dashcam video of a Mustang driver doing the most Mustang thing ever: wrecking out for no good reason. This time it’s an S197, which for some odd reason is forgotten if not mocked a lot these days. Someone needs to give this driver some lessons on how to handle a rear-wheel-drive car.

Ford Ranger flips the script, takes out a Mustang.

The footage is taken from the dashcam of a semi-truck as it travels down a two-lane road. The Mustang is sitting at a side road waiting to turn left into the lane the semi is traveling in. You see the driver make the left turn with room to spare, but things go sideways in a hurry, literally.

According to the person who shared this video, the truck was only traveling 35 mph at the time, so the Mustang driver didn’t have to hit it that hard to avoid a collision. Maybe he was trying to show off or just enjoy the pony car.

Whatever he was doing, the back end slid out a little, so he overcorrected like any inexperienced driver would, putting his car in the ditch on the side of the road. Why does this keep happening with Mustangs?

[OC] Stang thought he had it. Pulls in front of semi moving 35mph. Made me chuckle.
byu/Zayafyre inIdiotsInCars

We’ve all been there before: waiting to turn left onto a busy street, when we finally see an opening for both lanes, but it’s barely big enough for us. To make up for that, you hit the accelerator more than usual and your tires start to squeal, maybe even lose some traction. But that’s about where the story ends for most.

Apparently, when you’re in a Mustang, those rear tires won’t bite, you’ll lose traction, then you’ll overcorrect the slide and end up on the shoulder. Videos like this is why the Mustang stereotypes continue.

Image via Zayafyre/Reddit

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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