Celebrities, just like everyone else, sometimes get in trouble with the law when driving and country music star Sam Hunt is no different. But some people are still shocked to learn Hunt was recently pulled over for speeding, arrested, and thrown in jail by police.
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The incident in question happened back on January 20 in Henderson County, Tennessee. Allegedly, Hunt was speeding. We don’t have details, but he was arrested for that and allegedly violating an interlock device, reports TMZ.
Usually, an interlock device on a car is a breathalyzer which interrupts the ignition on the car. Without successfully blowing a negative into the breathalyzer, the driver is unable to start the engine. The idea is to keep people with records of drunk driving from reoffending.
Back in 2019 Hunt was arrested for DUI, so he might have been ordered to have an interlock installed on his car as a result. Sometimes defendants have to keep interlocks on their ride for years later, depending on outcomes in the courtroom.
While Hunt was able to post the $1,500 bond the same day he was arrested, which wasn’t shocking, a representative told TMZ that the musician’s attorney says there will be no charges for the incident, just a speeding ticket.
We have zero details about why that might be, but we do know misunderstandings happen, especially around technical devices like an interlock. So we’ll give Hunt the benefit of a doubt here.
At the same time, we don’t believe driving drunk is ever a responsible or safe thing to do. In fact, it’s reckless and selfish. We hope Hunt learned his lesson from the 2019 incident.
While some might want to throw stones for the man speeding, we should be honest and admit most of us speed at least sometimes. Those who don’t are probably regularly traveling 55 in a 75 mph zone, constituting another danger while feeling self-righteous about it.
Image via samhuntmusic/Instagram