Unique Invention Helps Find Sunken 1975 Camaro

Image via WMBF News/YouTube

Since 1982 three men have been missing in South Carolina, the cold case haunting their surviving relatives. That case was miraculously solved after a Myrtle Beach man, Jason Souhrada, used a unique device he created to find their sunken 1975 Chevy Camaro.

Watch the Grappler quickly end a police chase.

We’ve seen plenty of cases where fishermen and or even teams that go diving and looking for submerged cars, sometimes to solve missing person investigations, have hit paydirt. But this is the first time we’ve seen this odd device mounted to a boogie board.

He showed off his simple yet ingenious invention to local news station WMBF, which he created after watching different YouTube dive teams as they’ve located vehicles underwater. Souhrada is an X-ray technician and says he just wants to help people.

The body of water he noticed police weren’t searching, called Jack’s Creek, apparently wasn’t accessible by boat. That wasn’t a problem for the little craft Souhrada created. Sure enough, he was able to locate what was left of the ’75 Camaro

Bill Clifton, David McMicken and Michael Norman were last seen at a bar back on December 10, 1982 in the Washington, South Carolina area. While police presumed the men were dead, they never could locate them or the 1975 Chevy Camaro they used that night.

It’s amazing to see the advancement of technology like sonar and this little water drone Souhrada said he made for only a few hundred dollars. They’ve made finding cars submerged in bodies of water, sometimes solving cold cases almost a regular thing recently.

With this sort of thing happen so frequently, it’s easy to become desensitized to how amazing and life-changing these types of innovations are.

Image via WMBF News/YouTube

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.