Driver Records Himself Standing Through Sunroof While Speeding

Image via Clermont Police Department/Facebook

We see people do a lot of stupid things in their cars, especially in this age of social media. So when we first saw the story from Clermont Police Department out of Florida about a guy who was speeding while standing through the sunroof in his car, recording the stunt on his cellphone, we naturally assumed he was doing it all for TikTok or Instagram.

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It turns out the guy was a little more old fashioned than that, at least according to what police say. They claim the suspect, Joseph Ellis, sent the video out in a text message. Maybe someone else posted it on social media after he was caught and arrested.

Police say Ellis was going 77 mph in a 45 mph zone in the area of HWY 27 and Hooks Street. To be going that fast, even in a 75 mph zone, and not only take your feet off the pedals and your hands off the steering wheel, but to stand on the seat and up through the sunroof is one of the dumbest things we’ve ever heard about. And that’s really saying something.

Seriously, don’t do this unless you have a death wish. There are so many ways a stunt like this can go wrong.

According to police, Ellis had an open container of alcohol and some Oxycodone in the car, so we’re thinking he was probably intoxicated and that’s why he was acting so dumb.

But Ellis apparently has a history of making poor decisions. Clermont Police Department says he had bonded out of jail for multiple felony crimes in other jurisdictions. We’re pretty sure the terms of his bond wouldn’t allow for him to be drinking and driving, let alone doing a stupid stunt like this. And he recorded the whole thing just to make sure police have all the evidence they need.

Thankfully an officer spotted him performing the stunt and was able to pull him over without incident. This could have ended so much worse.

Image via Clermont Police Department/Facebook

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By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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