Man-Child In Ford Explorer Runs From Kentucky Troopers

Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube

Helicopter parenting is a real problem in society, which we clearly see in this Kentucky police chase involving a man-child fleeing in a Ford Explorer. We guess it makes sense that the guy who was caught going 14 mph over the limit thinks the solution is to lead state troopers on a chase for miles, stopping right in front of his dad’s house.

This mother actually wants consequences for her criminal son.

Actually, he might live in his dad’s basement and that’s why he sought refuge there. During the chase, the lead trooper could see the guy was using his phone. Right after the trooper tries pitting the Explorer and our suspect surrenders, we see dad himself coming out of his house with his cellphone.

In other words, the guy most likely was calling daddy to let him know he was in trouble with the law and needed his help. We see dad walk up to the troopers as they’re cuffing his boy and he has to be told to back off. So daddy’s not exactly a brain surgeon, either.

After troopers cuff him, we see this suspect is wearing the most ironic T-shirt that says, “Be Nice.” Yeah, nice people don’t blow stop lights and stop signs to try getting away from law enforcement.

Of course, this guy plays dumb, asking troopers “what did I do?” like he doesn’t know. We guess he accidentally led them on a high-speed pursuit for miles, swerving away from stopped police units on the side of the road, like he knows all about spike strips. Our guess is this isn’t the guy’s first police chase and sadly probably won’t be his last.

Dad dutifully tries arguing with a trooper, we guess about how they’re treating his son who put countless lives on the line all because he couldn’t be bothered to pull over. Parents who won’t step back and let their adult children take one on the kisser for their stupid adult choices only enable this kind of behavior. Like we said before, helicopter parenting is a real problem in society and we’re just not shocked it even feeds into police pursuits.

Image via State Boyzzz/YouTube

By Steven Symes

Steven Symes is an accomplished automotive journalist with a passion for all things related to cars. His extensive knowledge and love for the automotive world shine through in his writing, which covers a diverse range of topics.

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